
Eurobodalla Updates Summary 2008-09

This section presents a summary of recorded changes for 2008-09 against the same 22 indicators as in the 2004-08 report. Links to each of the indicators within the comprehensive 2004-09 report are listed below. The new data, including charts and tables, for the period 30 June 2008 to 1 July 2009 are available within the comprehensive 2004-09 report. For easy identification, the 2008-09 changes have been marked in coloured text. Local initiatives undertaken within this period can be viewed as snapshots.

What the 2008-09 results tell us for Eurobodalla

The management of water and waste continue as key issues for Council. In the period 2008–09 total solid waste managed by Council remained about the same as the previous year, at approximately 1 tonne per Shire resident. As with the previous year, the total volume of waste grew by a similar proportion to the 3% increase in resident population over the reporting period.

But while the volume of the total waste stream grew slightly, the percentage of it going to landfill fell significantly with Council's solid waste minimisation strategy resulting in a reduction in waste to landfill of 21% over the reporting period. The amount of material diverted from landfill into recovery programs increased by around 60%. Over the reporting period the volumes of all types of hazardous waste increased. Overall, the volumes collected almost doubled from eight tonnes to 15 tonnes. Shire Council has noted that participation in the annual cleanout has increased over the period.

Available water decreased during the period 2008-09 with storage dropping to approximately 66%. The construction of the Moruya River to Deep Creek supply pipeline, commenced during the reporting period, is designed to address this issue. Residential use, the largest component of reticulated water use, reduced to approximately 1850 ML in 2008-2009, a decrease of 47%. Level 1 restrictions were introduced in November 2008 and increased to Level 2 restrictions in March 2009. 

Council, with the support of the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee, has completed the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study, a four stage project aimed at developing a better understanding of the Aboriginal cultural heritage in the Shire through historical research and collection of oral history from Aboriginal people with connections to the Eurobodalla region. As a result of the Study, twelve Places of Aboriginal Heritage Significance have been identified and included for listing in the draft Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2009.

Indicators updated for 2008-09

Issue: Atmosphere and Weather

Indicator: Rainfall

An analysis of monthly 2004-09 rainfall and a long-term perspective are available for the indicator. The main rainfall observing sites used in this analysis were Moruya Heads Pilot Station (Bureau of Meteorology Station No. 069018) and Bodalla (No. 069036), which is 14.7 km from Narooma. Both sites have records commencing in 1876, and the record at Moruya is complete. Data from nearby stations were used to calculate values for months with missing data at Bodalla (see Appendix 2 for further information).

Indicator: Temperature

Analyses of 2008-09 temperature, evaporation and soil moisture, and long term climate trend data  are presented for the indicator. Moruya Heads Pilot Station (Bureau of Meteorology Station No. 069018) commenced operation in 1876 and has a continuous set of high quality temperature observations since 1910. It is a Bureau of Meteorology Climate Reference Station.

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Issue: Biodiversity

Indicator: Pest Animals

There were no significant changes recorded during the 2008-09 period. As in 2004-08 foxes, dingoes and wild dogs, and rabbits were the main pest animals in the Eurobodalla Shire during the current reporting period, although pigs, goats and cats were also present. Cats, which were not recorded during the previous reporting period, now cover the entire Shire.

Issue: Catchments

Indicator: Contaminated Sites

Four new confirmed contaminated sites were identified during 2008-09:

  • Mogo Fire Training Centre (14.6ha, partially remediated in 1998);
  • Former Batemans Bay clay target shooting range (13.6ha, not remediated);
  • Former Batemans Bay clay target shooting range  (8.6ha, remediated in 2009); and
  • Old Moruya Council Depot (0.25ha,not remediated).
Indicator: Discharge to Waters

Data for 2008-09 indicate during the period there were:

  • 437 businesses were subject to the liquid trade waste charge*;
  • four beach closures;
  • a discharge of 0.058mL of sewage into a waterway+;
  • five licenced discharges to waters totalling 2864mL

* Only one customer was classified as non compliant and Shire Council continues to work with this customer to improve the environmental performance to elevate the status to full compliance.

+ On one occasion, in 2008-09, sewer discharged as a result of a sediment pond at a construction site discharging stormwater to the sewer reticulation system during a storm event. Investigation revealed that an old sewer connection at the site had not been effectively sealed resulting in the uncontrolled stormwater discharge to sewer causing the sewer system to surcharge to the ocean adjacent to a boat ramp. A Penalty Infringement Notice was issued to the offending construction company.

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Issue: Resource Use

Indicator: Drinking Water Quality

Between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009 a total of 353 samples were assessed for E.coli. No samples tested positive for the presence of E.coli.  This achieves compliance with the Australian Drinking Water Guideline 2004 (ADWG) with respect to the microbial indicator organism.

Three hundred and sixty three samples were tested for pH, with 44 samples outside of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) recommended range of 6.5-8.5. The range of results was 5.5 to 9.5 with a median value of 7.2 indicating a generally satisfactory level of alkalinity.  

Inorganic components were measured in 15 samples, and three indicated iron concentrations above the ADWG aesthetic  criteria values. The highest was 0.5 mg/L, and the median concentration 0.2mg/L which is below the ADWG recommended value of 0.3mg/L.  All other parameters met the ADWG health and aesthetic based criteria.

Indicator: Hazardous Waste

In 2008 a total of 12571.8 kg of controlled waste was collected. Over the reporting period the volumes of all types of hazardous waste increased. Overall, the volumes collected almost doubled from eight tonnes to 15 tonnes. Shire Council has noted that participation in the annual cleanout has increased over the period. However last year the collection was brought forward by 2 months to August 2008 and householders may have become accustomed to the collection occurring later in the year. This may have accounted for the reduction in tonnage from 2007 to 2008.

Indicator: Heritage

Council supports the operations of the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee. This committee has been operating for over six years and is made up of representatives from six Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Aboriginal Elders, Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (SRCMA), Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) and Eurobodalla Shire Council (ESC).

Council, with the support of the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee, has completed the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study, a four stage project aimed at developing a better understanding of the Aboriginal cultural heritage in the Shire through historical research and collection of oral history from Aboriginal people with connections to the Eurobodalla region. The study has recorded a wide range of heritage values of traditional, historic and contemporary importance to Aboriginal communities.

As a result of the Study, twelve Places of Aboriginal Heritage Significance have been identified and included for listing in the draft Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2009.

Indicator: Noise

Barking dogs continued as the most common source of noise complaint to Council with numbers having increased considerably from the previous year.

Indicator: Solid Waste

In the period 2008–09 total waste managed by Council remained about the same as the previous year, at approximately 1 tonne per Shire resident. Recycling reduced waste to landfill 570 kilograms. As with the previous year, the total volume of waste grew by a similar proportion to the 3% increase in resident population over the reporting period.

But while the volume of the total waste stream grew slightly, the percentage of it going to landfill fell significantly. Council's solid waste minimisation strategy resulted in a reduction in waste to landfill of 21% over the reporting period, with landfill volumes declining from 71% of the waste stream to 55%. The amount of material diverted from landfill into recovery programs increased by around 60% .

Indicator: Water Use

Available water decreased during the period 2008-09 with storage dropping to approximately 66%.

Residential use is the largest component of reticulated water use, followed by the non-residential sector. Residential water use was highest in 2001-2002 at 3,500 MLA per year. This reduced to approx. 1850 ML in 2008-2009, a decrease of 47%.

A major reduction in non-residential water use occurred between the 2003-2004 use at about 1,700 ML/Yr and 2006 onwards when use dropped to the order of 1150 ML in 2008-2009, a reduction of 32%.

During this reporting period these issues were partially addressed through the initiation of development and commencement of construction of the Moruya River to Deep Creek supply pipeline.

Level 1 restrictions were introduced in November 2008 and increased to Level 2 restrictions in March 2009. 


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