Upper Lachlan

Upper Lachlan Updates Summary 2008-09

This section presents a summary of recorded changes for 2008-09 against the same 22 indicators as in the 2004-08 report. Links to each of the indicators within the comprehensive 2004-09 report are listed below. The new data, including charts and tables, for the period 30 June 2008 to 1 July 2009 are available within the comprehensive 2004-09 report. For easy identification, the 2008-09 changes have been marked in coloured text. Local initiatives undertaken within this period can be viewed as snapshots.

What the 2008-09 results tell us for Upper Lachlan

Few significant changes were recorded against most indicators over 2008-09. Upper Lachlan Shire Council adopted a noxious weeds control policy in May 2009 that aims to put in place a framework to responsibly and effectively eradicate, control and manage noxious weeds within the Upper Lachlan Shire Council area to ensure that agricultural production, biodiversity and the environment are protected. A list of eight local priority noxious weeds were identified along with details the control programs for weeds on different categories of land. A copy of the policy can be found on Council’s website. In addition, a local control program to reduce the spread of Paterson's Curse is ongoing. The Council's Biodiversity Planning Framework can also be found on the Council's website.

During 2008-09 the Upper Lachlan Strategy Plan which includes a local environmental study, a new comprehensive LEP and a set of principles for development control was developed. The new Draft Local Environmental Plan (Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2008) was placed on Public Exhibition in May 2009 and will guide the future landuse of the Shire.

During 2008 a comprehensive heritage study of the Upper Lachlan was undertaken and a draft report placed on exhibition. From this document 186 items of heritage significance were added to the draft LEP document. The draft heritage study report, as with the draft Local Environmental Plan, was put on public exhibition. The draft heritage study report can be found on Council’s website although the call for submissions closed on 20 August 2009.

Indicators updated for 2008-09

Issue: Atmosphere and Weather

Indicator: Rainfall

An analysis of monthly 2004-09 rainfall and a long-term perspective are available for the indicator. The main rainfall observing sites used in this analysis were Taralga (Bureau of Meteorology Station No. 070080), which has records commencing in 1882, and Crookwell Post Office (No. 070025) which commenced in 1883. Data from nearby stations were used to calculate values for months with missing data at this site (see Appendix 2 for further information).

Indicator: Temperature

Analyses of 2008-09 temperature, evaporation and soil moisture, and long term climate trend data  are presented for the indicator. Temperature observations are taken at Taralga Post Office (Bureau of Meteorology Station No. 070080). The temperature record at Taralga is incomplete between 1971 and 1991.

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Issue: Biodiversity

Indicator: Pest Animals

There were no significant changes recorded during the 2008-09 period. As was reported in 2004-08 seven pest animals were recorded in the Upper Lachlan Shire. This is a similar trend to the previous reporting period however, due to limitations in the current reporting period data, quantitative information to assess change in the pest animal distributions and abundance is unavailable.

Indicator: Pest Plants

Upper Lachlan Shire Council adopted a noxious weeds control policy in May 2009 that aims to put in place a framework to responsibly and effectively eradicate, control and manage noxious weeds within the Upper Lachlan Shire Council area to ensure that agricultural production, biodiversity and the environment are protected. The policy also supplies a list of local priority noxious weeds:

Priority Noxious Weeds List (in priority order)

  1. Serrated Tussock
  2. Chilean Needle Grass
  3. African Lovegrass
  4. Fireweed
  5. Scotch/English Broom
  6. Gorse
  7. St John’s Wort
  8. Blackberry

The policy also details the control programs for weeds on different categories of land, the entire policy can be found on Council’s website.

Paterson's Curse was controlled by an ongoing local control program to reduce spread.

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Issue: Catchments

Indicator: Land Use

Following the Local Government boundary changes which occurred during the 2004 reporting period, Council amalgamated and reviewed the 1997 Gunning Local Environmental Plan (LEP), the 1994 Crookwell LEP and the 1995 Mulwaree LEP to produce a single plan covering the whole Council area. As part of the review, Council is preparing an Upper Lachlan Strategy Plan to include a local environmental study, a new comprehensive LEP and a set of principles for development control. This strategy will provide a framework for development within the Shire until the year 2020 (Upper Lachlan Shire Council 2005).

The new Draft Local Environmental Plan (Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2008) was placed on Public Exhibition in May 2009 and will guide the future landuse of the Shire.

Issue: Resource Use

Indicator: Heritage

During 2008 a comprehensive heritage study of the Upper Lachlan was undertaken and a draft report placed on exhibition. From this document 186 items of heritage significance were added to the draft LEP document. Both the draft heritage study report and the draft Local Environmental Plan were put on public exhibition. The draft heritage study report can be found on Council’s website although the call for submissions closed on 20 August 2009.


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