Upper Lachlan

Indicator: Heritage

Results for this indicator are also available for   [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Please note: Text or data highlighted in this colour represent an update to this indicator for the period 2008/09.

What the results tell us for Upper Lachlan Shire

Changes to the listed heritage estate for Upper Lachlan Shire over the past four years show that:

  • four places have been removed from the Register of the National Estate (Wollogorang, Wollogorang Garden, Wombeyan Caves and the Lake George Quaternary site). The reason for this is the resiting of these sites to a different Shire;
  • one place has been removed from the State Heritage Register (Hillas Farm Homestead and outbuildings);
  • one place has been removed from the s. 170 heritage list of NSW Government departments and agencies (Gunning Railway Signal Box);
  • one place has been removed from the LEP (Hillas Farm Homestead and Outbuildings, Bannaby and St Matthews Church at Bannaby); and
  • 186 items of heritage significance identified through the 2008 heritage study were added to the draft LEP

During 2008 a comprehensive heritage study of the Upper Lachlan was undertaken and a draft report placed on exhibition. From this document 186 items of heritage significance were added to the draft LEP document. Both the draft heritage study report and the draft Local Environmental Plan were put on public exhibition. The draft heritage study report can be found on Council’s website although the call for submissions closed on 20 August 2009.

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Details of listed places

Places listed on the Register of the National Estate

There are 14 places in the Upper Lachlan Shire entered in the Register of the National Estate:

Bigga Rock Art Site,Reids Flat Rd,Bigga

Crookwell Courthouse,Goulburn St,Crookwell

Crookwell Courthouse Group,Goulburn St,Crookwell

Westpac Bank,106-108Goulburn St,Crookwell

Mundoonen Nature Reserve,Hume Hwy,Upper Lachlan

Boureong (including later wing and outbuildings),Gunning

Collingwood Homestead,,Gunning

Frankfield Homestead Group,Gunning

Gunning Courthouse / Police Buildings Complex,Upper Lachlan St,Gunning

Public School,Upper Lachlan St,Gunning

Fossil Leaf Beds Specimen,Gunning - Dalton Rd,Dalton

Taralga Courthouse (former),Orchard St,Taralga

Tarlo River National Park (1991 boundary),Taralga

Blue Mountains National Park (1980 boundary),Great Western Hwy,Glenbrook

Places listed on the World Heritage List and National Heritage List

The one place listed on the World Heritage List and the National Heritage List is the Upper Blue Mountains Area. A section of this place is situated within the Upper Lachlan Shire.

Places listed on the NSW Heritage Register

There are four places listed on the NSW Heritage Register:

Catholic Church of Christ the King, Macarthur Street, Taralga

Crookwell Railway Station and yard group, Goulburn-Crookwell railway, Crookwell

Gunning railway signal box movable relics, Main Southern railway, Gunning

Gunning Railway Station and yard group, Main Southern railway, Gunning

Places listed on the NSW Section 170 Heritage Register

There are four places listed on the NSW s.170 Heritage Register:

Crookwell District Hospital, Kialla Road, Crookwell

Crookwell Station and Yard Group, Crookwell

Fish River Water Supply, Fish River

Gunning Station and Yard Group, Gunning

Heritage places listed on the local environmental plan

^There are `^eight places listed under the Crookwell Local Environmental Plan 1994:`

Crookwell Railway Station, Crookwell

Westpac Bank, Goulburn Street, Crookwell

Courthouse Group, Goulburn Street, Crookwell

Binda Anglican Chruch, St. James, Binda

Crookwell River Bridge, Binda Road, Crookwell

Gundowringa homestead, Goulburn Road, Crookwell

The Bookkeepers Cottage, Crookwell

Mill (former), Roberts Street (rear of Commercial Hotel), Crookwell

^There are `^two places listed under the Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 1995:`

Hillas Farm Homestead and Outbuildings

St. Matthews Church, Bannaby

^There are `^30 places listed under the Gunning Local Environmental Plan 1997:`

Breadalbane Public School (former), Old South Road, Breadalbane

Raeburn Homeatead and Stables, Old South Road, Breadalbane

Roman Catholic Church, Old South Road, Breadalbane

Wollogorang including garden and stable block, Federal Highway, Yarra

Anglican Church - All Saints, Collector Road, Breadalbane

Bushrangers Hotel, 24 Church Street, Collector

Uniting Church, Bourke Street, Collector

Winderadeen, 3km south Federal Highway, Collector

Roman Catholic Church - St Bartholomews, Bourke Street, Collector

Stone Lined Channel outlet from Murray's Lagoon, 6km south Old Federal Highway, Collector

Anglican Church and surrounding church buildings, Biala Street, Gunning

St Edmond's Church Rectory and Uniting Church, Biala Street, Gunning

Cottage, 11 Collector Road, Gunning

Building, 22 Hume Street, Gunning

Shop Group, 81-87 Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning consisting of; Double Storey Terrace, 83-85 Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning, Single storey shop, 87 Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning and Single Storey Shop, 81 Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning

Telegraph Hotel, 82-84 Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning

Court House and Police Station, Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning

Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Building, 105 Upper Lachlan Street, Gunning

Boureong - including later wing and outbuildings, adjacent to railway line, Gunning

Collingwood, 5km northeast of Gunning

Frankfield Homestead, Gunning

Anglican Church, Jobson Street, Dalton

Uniting Church, Chapel Street, Dalton

Dalton Primary School, Jobson Street, Dalton

Oddfellows Hall, Chapel Street, Dalton

Dalton Public Hall, Chapel Street, Dalton

Royal Hotel, Gunning Street, Dalton

Building known as Eschol, Dalton

Sweetwood Lea, Maryfields, Breadalbane

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Condition of known heritage places

No information is available on the condition of heritage sites during the reporting period and little information on condition prior to the reporting period either. The condition of many sites has not been updated since they were listed on the Register of the National Estate.

Resources for heritage identification and management

Over the four year period since the previous Regional State of the Environment Report a heritage Tourism Masterplan was written and approximately $13, 000 spent annually on heritage projects through a Heritage Grants program.

A Community Heritage Study has been commenced with a $25,000 budget to assess the heritage places of the Shire.

About the data

Heritage overview


Data sourced fro:m

Australian Heritage Database http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/ahdb/search.pl

NSW Heritage Office http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/

Upper Lachlan Shire Council.


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