Snowy River


Please note: Text or data highlighted in this colour represent an update to this indicator for the period 2008/09.

Temperature Analysis

No temperature data are available for 2008-09 in this Council area.

There are two current official Bureau of Meteorology temperature records at Thredbo, one taken at Thredbo Village (at 1380 m above sea level) and the other collected by an automatic weather station (AWS) at 1957 m above sea level. The Thredbo Village station opened in 1969 and the AWS in 1966. There are considerable gaps in both records, particularly in the 1980s, which makes them unsuitable for long-term analysis.

There is evidence from across the Australian Capital Region that conditions were warmer than average in the reporting period. Daytime maximum temperatures were above average in all three years, by between 8 and 9% in 2006 (e.g. in Upper Lachlan, Goulburn-Mulwaree and Yass Valley shires). Night-time minimum temperatures were slightly above average in 2005, below average by as much as 6% in 2006, and above average by 13 to 18% in 2007. Colder nights are often associated with unusually clear skies, and warmer nights with cloudier conditions.

About the data

Temperature appendix


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