

Please note: Text or data highlighted in this colour represent an update to this indicator for the period 2008/09.

Temperature Analysis

Temperature records in Palerang shire have been collected at Braidwood since 1985. This record is too short to allow comparison of recent temperatures with an appropriate climatological 30-year long term average, limiting the analysis of temperature data that is possible for this report.

There is evidence from across the Australian Capital Region that conditions were warmer than average in this period. Daytime maximum temperatures were above average in all three years, by 9% at Canberra in the central part of the region in 2006 and by 2% in Eurobodalla on the coast. Night-time minimum temperatures were also above average in all three years, particularly in 2007 (by 24% at Canberra, but only 4% in Eurobodalla). Warmer nights are often associated with cloudier conditions.

Annual temperature data, collected at the Braidwood Racecourse AWS 169132 site and pertaining to Palerang Council area for the 2008-09 period, can be found at the Bureau of Meteorology website,

About the data

Temperature appendix


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