Bega Valley


Please note: Text or data highlighted in this colour represent an update to this indicator for the period 2008/09.

Temperature Analysis

The Bureau of Meteorology is heavily reliant on volunteer observers to record temperature readings across the Region. No temperature data are available for 2008-09 in this Council area.

Temperature data in Bega Valley have been collected at a number of locations, including Bega (Newtown Road) (1907-1994), Bega Automatic Weather Station (since 1992), Merimbula (1969-1998) and Merimbula Airport AWS (since 1998). While it may be possible to construct a long continuous record of climate data from several sets of observations for different periods of time, in this case there is insufficient overlap between records, or not enough consistency in the periods of overlap, to allow such a record to be developed. The longest continuous record to the end of the reporting period in 2007, 15 years at Bega AWS, is too short to allow analysis of temperature data during the reporting period against long-term averages, which requires a minimum 30-year record.

There is evidence from across the Australian Capital Region that conditions were warmer than average in this period. Daytime maximum temperatures were above average in all three years, by between 1 and 5% in the southern part of the region (e.g. in Bombala and Eurobodalla shires). Night-time minimum temperatures were much above average in 2005 (11%) and 2007 (22%) in Bombala; also above average in Eurobodalla (4% and 6% in 2005 and 2007 respectively); and close to average in 2006 in both shires. Colder nights are often associated with unusually clear skies, and warmer nights with cloudier conditions.

About the data

Temperature appendix


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