Indicator: Water Use
Results for this indicator are also available for [an error occurred while processing this directive]
What the results tell us for Boorowa
No data were provided for water use over the last ten years, apart from the water used in 2007-2008, so it is not possible to comment.
Supply- how much water could we have?
Boorowa draws water from a weir on the Boorowa River. The amount extracted is controlled by NSW Government licence. It is processed through a full water treatment plant for supply to approximately 1,300 people in the town. A total of 220 ML were used in 2007-2008.
Consumption – how much water was used?
Total Use
No data supplied.
Use by sector
The total reticulated supply is for residential use.
Environmental flows
There is no information on environmental flows.
Managing water demand and use
Water conservation
No information was provided on water conservation.
Recycling – making the drop go further
No information was provided on water recycling.
Laws and policy
No information was available on the water policy.
About the data
Quantitative data were received from Boorowa Council.