What is it?
Since 2009, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government has provided support and training to various sectors through the Actsmart Business Recycling, Actsmart Public Event and Actsmart Schools programs. The programs encourage participants to direct waste away from landfill, improve sustainability and reduce the Territory’s carbon footprint.
These free programs provide resources to improve waste management and provide an opportunity to save money by reducing waste-related costs. Organisations can register on the website (http://www.actsmart.act.gov.au) to receive resources and advice from Actsmart staff. Those that successfully implement the programs gain accreditation and access to the promotional materials associated with this.
Actsmart Business Recycling is a program that assists businesses to implement efficient recycling. The program has been popular, with 686 sites participating in the program including Canberra Stadium, Manuka Oval and Calvary Health Care. In 2013–14, the program led to 21 197 cubic metres (m3) of waste being diverted from landfill. The recycling of 16 089 m3 of mixed recyclables saved 1298 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e), and the diversion of 1746 m3 of organic material saved 956 tCO2-e.
Public events
The Actsmart Public Event program provides assistance to implement recycling facilities at public events. It has covered 51 events (as of June 2014) including all ACT Centenary of Canberra Events, Floriade, the National Multicultural Festival and smaller events. This has diverted 72 617 kg of mixed recycling and 4675 kg of organic waste from landfill, leading to a reduction of 92.95 tCO2-e and 7.48 tCO2-e, respectively.
The Actsmart Schools program targets five aspects of sustainability: waste, energy, water, biodiversity and curriculum. Schools can receive resources to help reduce waste as well as related curriculum materials. Waste and recycling systems have been established in a total of 86 schools. In 2013–14, accredited schools produced 0.43 m3 of waste per student per year, whereas nonaccredited schools produced 0.60 m2.
Visitors attend Floriade, where the Actsmart Public Event Recycling program is operating. Photo: Actsmart, ACT Government
Sources: Environment and Planning Directorate, ACTSmart32,33