Yass Valley


Atmosphere & Weather | Biodiversity | Catchments | Resources Use

Yass Valley Snapshot 2008

This "snapshot" profile celebrates a recent environmental initiative within this LGA.

Reducing water use is not a dry subject in Yass Valley primary schools

Like other rural areas suffering under the current extended dry period, Yass Valley Council has taken a range of steps to help its residents cutwater use. In particular, during 2007, it focused on a communication campaign about water saving, particularly aimed at the younger generation.

Children learning about saving water

Children learning about saving water

The Council had implemented many initiatives to reduce water usage including rebates on rainwater tanks, shower regulators supplied at no cost, and ‘Waterwise’ pamphlets distributed throughoutthe community. But Council also decided that there would be current and future benefit through making a greater effort to reach the younger generation.

So, in mid-2007, all children at Yass Valley primary schools, and pre-schoolers too, were given a storybook/colouring book entitled ”The Clean and Green Gang – Discover Ways to Save Water”. This simple educational tool helps parents, teachers and students to interact and work together in learning to save water. A colouring-in competition was part of the program.

The knowledge, values and actions of our children are important not only to meet current water saving needs, but also for the future if climate change predictions of increased warming and drying are borne out. In teaching them, we too gain the insights, motivation and skills needed to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.


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