Table 1. Priority Pest Plants in Upper Lachlan Shire, July 2004 to June 2008
Common name Serrated tussock St John's wort Blackberry Gorse African Lovegrass Chilean Needle Grass Fireweed Paterson's curse Scotch/Enlish Broom
Botanical name Nassella trichotoma Hypericum perforatum Rubus fruticosus Ulex europaeus Eragrostis curvula Nassella neesiana Senecio madagascariensis Echium spp. Cytisus scoparius
Control category * (see description below) Class 4 Class 4 Class 4 Class 3 Class 4 Class 4 Class 4 Class 4 Class 4
Describe where the pest plant(s) is located within your Shire. If available please provide the Bounding geographic coordinates (in AMG coordinates, with the relevant zone identified). Core area throughout the Shire at Bannaby/Big Hill Abercrombe River & Lade Vale Marginal area surrounding this and rare and isoalted infestations in other areas Core areas at Tueana Marginal and rare and isolated infestations mainly in the westen areas of the Shire Throughout Shire Core areas at Blakney Creek and Breadalbane scattered rare and isolated areas throughout shire Core area along Hume Highway.and Tarlo River Marginal - Rare and isolated areas on roadsides mainly in the south of Shire Core area at Cooksvale and Breadalbane areas. Marginal - Rare and isolated areas in villages within the Shire Core infestations at Bannaby. Rare and isolated infestations on Hume and Federal Highways and road systems. Core area at the west of the Shire.Marginal area surrounding this and rare and isoalted infestations in other areas Core areas on Bolong River Rare and isolated occurences throughout Shire.
Area(ha) with high density infestation (75% - 100% cover) - core area 40,000 2,500 6,000 100 1,200 800 30 28,000 600
Area (ha) with medium density infestation (20% - 74% cover) - marginal area 65,000 1,300 13,500 100 850 200 10 18,000 250
Area (ha) with low density infestation (1% - 19% cover) - rare and isolated 180,000 2,800 16,500 50 500 100 10 10,000 100
Total area (ha) affected 285,000 6,600 36,000 250 2.55 1,100 50 56,000 950

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