Upper Lachlan

Indicator: Hazardous Waste

Results for this indicator are also available for   [an error occurred while processing this directive]

What the results tell us for Upper Lachlan

The Shire Council has no licence or facility for collection, transport or disposal of hazardous waste or 'controlled' waste as defined in the National Environment Protection Measure.

The Shire Council has no record of the amount of hazardous waste that is privately exported from the Shire.

Imports and exports

No hazardous waste is accepted in the Upper Lachlan landfill from locations outside the Shire.

While it is understood that licensed contractors may transport waste out of the Shire for appropriate disposal, Shire Council cannot provide information on privately exported waste as the transport of this material is monitored through the Environment Protection Authority.

About the data

Information provided by Upper Lachlan Shire Council from Shire Council records.

Under National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM) licensing arrangements, private contractors are required to comply with the NEPM for the collection, transportation and disposal of 'controlled' waste. Shire Council has no control over these practices.

The NEPM includes a list of Controlled Wastes which are subject to procedures for information collection and sharing between jurisdictions (see www.ephc.gov.au).


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