Upper Lachlan

Indicator: Contaminated Sites

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What the results tell us for Upper Lachlan

Upper Lachlan Shire Council has recorded two confirmed and six potentially contaminated sites within the Shire boundary (see Table 1). These sites are a combination of landfill sites (4), petrol stations fuel stores (3) and a mineral contaminant.

Wool production occurs in the Shire and it is likely that disused sheep dip sites are scattered across it, though the number and location of these sites is unknown.

Table 1. Contaminated sites in Upper Lachlan Shire as at June 30 2008
Site location Site type Potentially contaminated (p) or confirmed contaminated (c) Landuse activity Area of site (in square metres)
Taralga Landfill c landfill - waste 18.59ha
Crookwell Landfill P Landfill - Waste 7.12ha
Gunning Landfill P landfill - waste 5.06ha
Laggan Landfill P landfill - waste unknown
Bigga Landfill P Landfill - Waste 1.62ha
Tuena Landfill P Landfill – Waste 0.63ha
Collector Landfill P Landfill - Waste 4.02ha
Gunning Petrol Station P petrol station 2,542.4m2
Gunning Petrol Station P Petrol Station 1,112m2
Crookwell Petrol Station P petrol station 314.7m2
Crookwell Petrol Station P petrol station 2,238.8m2
Crookwell Petrol Station P Petrol station 3,767.5m2
Crookwell Petrol Station P Petrol Station 1,553.2m2
Taralga Petrol Station P Petrol Station 448.6m2
Binda Petrol Station P Petrol Station Unknown
Bigga Petrol Station P Petrol Station Unknown
Collector   c Contaminant (mineral) 1500 ha

Source: Upper Lachlan Shire Council

About the data

Information was provided by Upper Lachlan Council. Sites were classed as potentially contaminated on the basis of landuse.


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