

Goulburn-Mulwaree Snapshot 2008

This "snapshot" profile celebrates a recent environmental initiative within this LGA.

New foundations for historic St Clair

A specialist team from Sydney has been injecting new life into the historic St Clair museum in Sloane Street, Goulburn.

Bermagui STP Clarifier 2

Underpinning work

Much needed underpinning and structural work has been undertaken in, around and underneath the museum.

The work is part of a planned renovation for the historic homestead, which was built between 1843 and 1849 by prominent local builder James Sinclair.

The team from Uretek have been busy fixing St Clair’s foundations, bringing parts of the building that had previously sunk back level again.

Drilling a series of holes every 1.2 metres or so, they then inject multi-component structural resins which expand immediately, filling any gaps under the foundations and providing new support to the building.

Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Parks Technical Officer, Jason Moroney, said work paused for two weeks to allow the underpinning works to settle.

“There will be further renovations around the historic homestead, which includes landscaping
and building works to manage stormwater,” he said.

“This structural work complements the important work of the Museum and Goulburn and District Historical Society volunteers in maintaining the building.”

With the building facing demolition in 1970, Goulburn Mulwaree Council purchased it and the Historical Society set up their headquarters there.

The museum houses important local cultural objects from Goulburn and the surrounding area’s rich historical past in one of the region’s oldest residential buildings.


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