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Summary of updates to Goulburn-Mulwaree indicators for 2008/09.

Goulburn-Mulwaree Snapshots

These "snapshot" profiles celebrate recent environmental initiatives within this LGA.

Archive of 2008 snapshots for Goulburn-Mulwaree.

2009 Snapshots

1. A Vibrant Urban Place under a New Master Plan

2. The Ultimate in Recycling - the "Groundswell - City to Soil Project"

3. Targeting Carbon Pollution

A Vibrant Urban Place under a New Master Plan

Goulburn CBD Plan

Goulburn CBD Plan

Goulburn Mulwaree Council has engaged consultants to produce a Goulburn Central Business District (CBD) Master Plan. The plan, informed by Economic, Heritage and Traffic Reports, has been presented to Council and will be used to plan for the sustainable management of the Goulburn CBD.

The Master Plan for Goulburn CBD aims to facilitate future management by integrating development and conservation. The objectives of the study are to:

  1. Develop standards and recommendations to improve the image, attractiveness and functionality of Goulburn CBD.
  2. Attract business and tourism to Goulburn.
  3. Maintain, protect, enhance and promote Goulburn’s built and natural heritage.

This Master Plan will allow Goulburn Mulwaree achieve its vision that “The Goulburn CBD will reflect its heritage as Australia’s first inland city and develop as a vibrant urban place providing a variety of services and a high level of amenity to residents, workers and visitors.”

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The Ultimate in Recycling – the “Groundswell – City to Soil Project”

Goulburn Mulwaree Council introduced the “Groundswell – City to Soil” project at Goulburn Waste Depot to reduce green waste dumped in landfill and recycle the material to farms. This is the ultimate in a recycling project. It encourages residents to put food scraps in a container, which is lined with a “biobag” (a certified compostable and biodegradable bag). This is then emptied into a green waste bin. From here, the waste is processed, made into compost and distributed to local farmers.

Goulburn CBD Plan

Goulburn Mulwaree Council is leading the project, with Palerang, Queanbeyan and Lachlan Councils to take part. This innovative project has received $1.86 million in funding over three years from the New South Wales (NSW) Environment Trust. It currently diverts over 100 tonnes of organic waste that would otherwise have ended up in landfills each month, instead generating compost for local farmers!

In late June 2009, sixty tonnes of finished compost were delivered to Goulburn’s two on-farm trial sites at Narranbulla near Marulan and Strathmere at Yarra. The trial involves farmers setting aside approximately 12 hectares of land, which are divided into three plots. One will be left unfertilised, one treated with super phosphate and the other with Goulburn’s produced compost. The trial will be used to assess the effectiveness of the compost, and will hopefully result in the expansion of this program and the environmental benefits that result from it.

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Targeting Carbon Pollution

Goulburn Mulwaree Council is taking the lead in targeting carbon pollution by adopting a 30 percent carbon dioxide reduction target by 2020.

Goulburn Mulwaree Council measured its carbon dioxide emissions between 2005 and 2008 to establish a base against which to compare future carbon dioxide emissions. Goulburn Mulwaree’s carbon emissions come predominantly from the consumption of gas, electricity, and fuel, and solid-waste generation.

Goulburn Mulwaree are continuing their commitment to reduced carbon emissions. The next step in this project is to investigate and implement measures to achieve the thirty percent carbon reduction target by 2020.

Council are continuing to develop effective policies and strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Figure 1. Comparison of Greenhouse Emissions from Council Assets

Source: Goulburn-Mulwaree Council

Figure 2. Comparison of the Energy Cost per Annum

Source: Goulburn-Mulwaree Council

Table 1: Goulburn Mulwaree Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  2005/06 2007/08 Underlying trend
Equiv CO2 tonnes 2,063 1,802 -12.7%
Cost $280,720 $303,181  
Vehicle Fleet
Equiv CO2 tonnes 1,709 1,746 +2.2%
Cost $718,746 $799,957  
Equiv CO2 tonnes 1,865 1,970 +5.6%
Cost $374,898 $416,057  
Equiv CO2 tonnes 2,966 3,060 +3.2%
Cost $444,533 $475,344  
Equiv CO2 tonnes 144 144 No change
Equiv CO2 tonnes 8,746 8,722 -0.3%
Cost $1,818,898 $1,994,539  

Source: Goulburn-Mulwaree Council


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