Table 1. Priority Pest Plants in Eurobodalla Shire, July 2004 to June 2008
Common name African Lovegrass St. John's Wort African Lovegrass Bitou Bush Blackberry Broom Fireweed Giant Parramatta Grass Chilean Needle Grass Groundsel Bush Lantana Salvinia St John's wort Serrated Tussock
Botanical name Eragrostis curvula Hypericum perforatum Eragrostis curvula Chrysanthemoides monilifera Rubus fruticosus Cytisus scoparius Senecio madagascariensis Sporobolus fertilis Nassella neesiana Baccharis halimifolia Lantana species Salvinia molesta Hypericum perforatum Nassella trichotoma
Control category * (see description below) C4 W2 W2 C4 C4 C4 C4 C3 C4 C3 C3 & C5 C2 C3 C4
Describe where the pest plant(s) is located within your Shire. If available please provide the Bounding geographic coordinates (in AMG coordinates, with the relevant zone identified). Scatterd on principle roadsides & some rerserves Rural land within Euphoria Shire Road reserves along major road corridors Narrow coastal strip, inc, beaches, dunes escarpments and adjoining woodlands and forests. Lightly scattered in shire Deua River, far west of the Shire Farmland:Bergalia/Meringo, Mogendoura, Narooma/Tilba eradicated Not found in Eurobodalla, current infeststation west at Araluen Cullendulla National Park, now eradicated Principally southern area, Narooma, south to shire boundary. Sepp 14 Wetland, Moruya, occasionally detected in farm dams. On-going outbreaks due to people movement Very rare isolated infestations Farmland; Bergalia/Meringo, Merricumbene.
Area (ha) with high density infestation (80% - 100% cover) 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 unknown 0 0 0
Area (ha) with medium density infestation (50% - 79% cover) 45 60 0 0 0 0 unknown 0 0 0 unknown 0 0 unknown
Area (ha) with low density infestation (10% - 49% cover) 60 75 unknown mapping forwarded to the National Coordinator, to evaluate for area/density 0 0 unknown 0 0 0 unknown 0 0 unknown
Scattered plants only (<10% cover) 150 120 unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown 0 0 0 unknown 0.2 5 unknown
Total area (ha) affected 255 405 unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown 0 0 0 unknown 0.2 5 unknown

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