
Indicator: Fire

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What the results tell us for Eurobodalla

Available data indicate that at least 15,498 hectares of land were burnt in Eurobodalla Shire during the current reporting period from prescribed burns. No information was available on the areas burnt by wildfires. No information was available on the effects of fire on fifteen fire sensitive vegetation communities that occur in the Shire.

The New South Wales (NSW) Rural Fire Service (RFS) considers there should be no prescribed fire in populations of ten threatened plant and animal species that occur in the Shire. High fire frequency is considered a key threatening process for one threatened plant species, four threatened mammals and two threatened birds known to occur in the area (NSW Scientific Committee 2008). Fire is considered a priority management action for four threatened fauna species and four threatened plant species (DECC 2008c). Inappropriate fire frequencies may put more threatened plant and animal species at risk.

Eurobodalla Shire may have occurrences of 12 threatened ecological communities listed nationally or in NSW (DECC 2008a; DECC 2008b; DEWHA 2008a). (Note: threatened ecological community lists are generated based on Bioregions). Ten of these communities are threatened by inappropriate fire regimes (DECC 2008b; DEWHA 2008b). No information was available to assess the impact of fire on these communities during the current reporting period.

A bush fire risk management plan was prepared for the Shire during the previous reporting period and is still applicable during the current to guide fire management strategies and measures there.

Occurrence of fires

Available data provided by the NSW Rural Fire Service indicate that 15,498 hectares of land were burnt in Eurobodalla Shire during the current reporting period, all for prescription burns.

Hazard reduction works conducted by the Shire Council on Council operational land and reserves in 2004-2005 included the following works in 2004-05:

  • nine pile removals: 138 cubic metres
  • 25 sites Slashing/Trittering: 6.5 ha
  • 27 sites hand clearing: 4.6 ha
  • three hazard reduction burns: 20.9 ha
  • nine areas of Tree pruning / removal events covering 91 trees
  • four controlled low intensity burns covering 36.3 ha aided by the RFS.
Table 1. Eurobodalla Shire completed hazard reduction monitoring report 2004-05
ACTIVITY Council RFS NPWS State Forests Other DLWC
Number 82 30 7 15 1
Total area (ha) 68.4 196.7 1,773 10,375 6

Source: Eurobodalla Shire Council Annual Report 2004-05

In 2005-06, hazard reduction works included:

  • slashing 37.4 ha
  • trittering: 3ha
  • hand clearing: 7.0 ha
  • removal 55 trees
  • three pile burns conducted by the RFS
  • gate install/access improvement works at five sites.
Table 2. Eurobodalla Shire hazard reduction monitoring report 2005-06
ACTIVITY Council RFS NPWS State Forests Other DLWC
Proposed hazard reduction
Number 200 9 6 35 Na
Total area (ha) 47 70 981 21,189 Na
Completed hazard reduction
Number 200 5 5 15 0
Total area (ha) 47 77 1,052 10,408  

Source: Eurobodalla Shire Council Annual Report 2005-06

In 2006-07, hazard reduction works conducted by the Shire Council on Council operational land and reserves included:

  • slashing 37.9 ha
  • trittering/groomer: 1.5 ha
  • hand clearing and weed/regrowth spraying 9.68 ha
  • removal 69 trees
  • two pile burns conducted by the RFS.

Thirty-eight kilometres of interface treated by mechanical works (comprising of approx. 32% of all interface that dwellings are within 100m of the Shire Council managed lands and are in bushfire prone land).

Table 3. Eurobodalla Shire hazard reduction monitoring report 2006-07
ACTIVITY Council RFS NPWS State Forests Other DLWC
Number 130 5 1 8 4
Total area (ha) 49.1 989 1 989 4

Source: Eurobodalla Shire Council Annual Report 2006-07

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Impacts of fires on native species and communities

Native animals and plants respond differently to fire. Some can persist under a range of fire regimes. However, in many cases, too frequent fire may harm species by killing them, preventing them from spreading, depleting the soil seed bank, or modifying their habitat. Planning for threatened species recovery in relation to fire may mean implementing variable fire regimes and excluding those that are detrimental. Fire management may involve managing hazard reduction activities such as slashing and mowing, to prevent these activities from impacting on species and their habitats.

The impact of fires on native plant and animal species and ecological communities varies with factors such as fire type, intensity and frequency, season of occurrence, and scale and patchiness of the burn. It may also be affected by broader human induced ecological factors such as infestation by weeds, changed hydrology and vegetation clearing.

No information is available on the effects of wildfires and hazard reduction burns on vegetation communities within the Eurobodalla Shire over the reporting period. The bushfire characteristics of major vegetation types in the Shire are outlined in the Eurobodalla Bush Fire Management Plan (EBFMC 2000, Section 2.2.3).

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Impacts on fire sensitive species and communities

No information is available on the impacts on fire-sensitive communities occurring in Eurobodalla Shire. Although rainforest communities in the region generally do not support bushfires (except in extended drought periods) because of their high fuel moisture levels, limited ground fuel, closed canopies and relatively fire resistant understoreys (EBFMC 2000), fire is never-the-less considered by some to be the greatest single threat to rainforest. The NSW Rural Fire Service (2003) recommends there should be no prescribed fire in rainforest vegetation.

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Potential impacts on threatened species and communities

High frequency fire resulting in the disruption of life cycle processes in plants and animals and loss of vegetation structure and composition is listed as a key threatening process on Schedule 3 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

High fire frequency is considered a key threatening process for one threatened plant species, four threatened mammals and two threatened birds known to occur in the area (NSW Scientific Committee 2008). Other threatened plant and animal species may also be at risk if subject to fires at an inappropriate frequency.

High frequency fire is considered to be a threatening process for six endangered or vulnerable animal species that occur in the Shire (NSW Scientific Committee 2008).

Table 4. Threatened animal species at risk from high frequency fire, Eurobodalla Shire
Order Common name Scientific name
Mammals Long-nosed Potoroo Potorous tridactylus
Southern Brown Bandicoot Isoodon obesulus obesulus
Spotted-tailed Quoll Dasyurus maculatus
Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfolcensis
Birds Eastern Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus
Glossy Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami

Source: NSW Scientific Committee (2008)

The Department of Environment and Conservation has prepared a Priorities Action Statement (PAS) to promote the recovery of threatened species and the abatement of key threatening processes in NSW. There are ten priority actions under the ‘habitat management: fire’ recovery strategy in this document for the Eurobodalla Shire. These actions apply to eight threatened species, populations and communities (DECC 2008c).

Priority actions to conserve the Eastern Bentwing-bat (Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis) include to exclude prescription burns from 100m from cave entrance, ensure smoke/flames of fires do not enter caves/roosts in artificial structures, and prepare fire management plans for significant roost caves, disused mines, culverts, especially maternity and winter roosts. Priority actions to conserve the Common Blossom-bat (Syconycteris australis) include developing burning strategies that reduce impacts on preferred habitat in known foraging areas (DECC 2008c).

Priority actions to conserve the Long-nosed Potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) include undertaking control burns using a mosaic pattern to ensure adequate vegetation cover. Priority actions to conserve the Southern Brown Bandicoot (eastern) (Isoodon obesulus obesulus) include the development of sympathetic fire management programs, as burning regimes impact on understorey species and floristic structure (DECC 2008c).

Priority actions to conserve the Monga Tea-tree (Leptospermum thompsonii) include ensuring Monga and Morton National Park Fire Management Strategies to include a fire frequency of not less than once every 15 years to protect this species from fire. Priority actions to conserve the remaining three threatened plants can be viewed on the link under (DECC 2008c).

Eurobodalla Shire may contain 12 threatened ecological communities listed as endangered or critically endangered within NSW or nationally (DECC 2008a; DECC 2008b; DEWHA 2008a) (Note: threatened ecological community lists are currently generated based on Bioregions not Local Government Areas). Eleven threatened communities are listed under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, one is listed under the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

At least ten of the 12 threatened communities with occurrences in the Shire (see Ecological communities) are considered at risk from inappropriate fire regimes and/or frequent or high intensity fires (DECC 2008b, DEWHA 2008b). The viability of 'Lowland Grassy Woodland in the South East Corner Bioregion' communities may be reduced by altered fire frequencies within some patches, especially when existing as remnants. Coastal Saltmarsh in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions is vulnerable to frequent burning (DECC 2008b).

Significant ecological damage may result from fire in the Montane peatlands and swamps of the New England Tableland, NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin, South East Corner, South Eastern Highlands and Australian Alps bioregions. Fire is considered a threat to the community 'Littoral Rainforest in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions, particularly along its boundaries. Dry Rainforest of the South East Forests in the South East Corner Bioregion is likely to be adversely affected by fire because of the number of fire-sensitive species in the community (DECC 2008b).

River-Flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions is threatened by frequent burning which reduces the diversity of woody plant species. Communities of Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions, particularly those within urbanised regions, may also be exposed to frequent burning which reduces the diversity of woody plant species. (DECC 2008c).

Urbanisation and associated fire management regimes, particularly high frequency fire, can also adversely affect the endangered community River-flat eucalypt forest on coastal floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions. No information is available on the extent to which any of these communities have been affected by fire during the current reporting period.

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Potential impacts on other species and communities

Eurobodalla Shire contains another 23 vegetation types and numerous wetlands that are considered ecologically significant (see Ecological communities). Important remnants of these or other native vegetation types may occur on a variety of land tenures, including travelling stock reserves, cemeteries and crown reserves. No information appears to be available on the extent to which such communities in the Shire may be threatened or have been affected by fire. However, the bushfire characteristics of major vegetation types in the Shire are outlined in the Eurobodalla Bush Fire Management Plan (EBFMC 2000, Section 2.2.3).

Fire management

Laws and policies

Significant change in the way the Shire Council manages and plans for bushfire have occurred between reporting periods. Since July 2002, amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 were introduced altering development assessment and planning controls related to bushfire prone land. Eurobodalla Shire Council has undertaken a range of new measures in response to the changes including mapping of Bushfire Prone Land and integrating the data into Geographic Information System for the purposes of bushfire assessment.

The Rural Fires Act 1997 is the main state government law relating to fire management in NSW, although the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 also contain clauses relating to fire and fire management.

The NSW Rural Fire Service has developed several policy documents and guidelines relating to fire management, including the Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code (RFS 2003) and Planning for Bushfire Protection (RFS and Planning NSW 2001). The former lists threatened species, threatened populations and endangered ecological communities to be addressed when undertaking hazard reduction burns, and specifies conditions relating to the use of fire and mechanical forms of hazard reduction for each species, population or community. The planning document outlines planning considerations to be taken into account for developments in bushfire prone areas.

Eurobodalla Bushfire Management Committee

The Eurobodalla Bush Fire Management Committee developed a Bushfire Risk Management Plan during the previous reporting period (EBFMC 2000). This document maps bushfire risk across Eurobodalla Shire and outlines strategies that land managers will undertake to manage identified bushfire risks. The plan addresses protection of natural and cultural values and protection of life and property, and also provides information relating to threatened species, populations, communities and critical habitat. It refers to approved Recovery Plans and the specific fire management requirements for each species or community. This Plan requires updating to incorporate new Priority Action Statement recovery strategies related to fire management across the Shire.

The Shire Council and other land management agencies are required to develop their own programs for implementing the strategies outlined in this bushfire risk management plan. Under the plan, the Shire Council has sole responsibility to communicate the plan's objectives and strategies to private land managers and to ensure the strategy is implemented in the Shire.

Low intensity prescribed fire is largely restricted to areas of dry eucalypt forest, woodlands and some heathland areas. Fuel management in localised areas will have an impact on some species of wildlife, with those depending on a dense understorey of shrubs being the most likely to be adversely affected. In many situations the development of dense shrub layers in areas of dry forest been strongly influenced by recent human influence in suppressing fires that may have otherwise burned into such areas. In the longer term, in dry eucalypt forests, frequent fire may favour replacement of shrub and regrowth eucalypt communities with grassland disadvantaging shrub dependent species. Whilst adversely affecting shrub dependant species, the promotion of ground forage favours some species which prefer forest with an open grassy understorey condition such as some macropods. A mosaic of burnt and unburnt areas can increase habitat diversity hence catering to the habitat requirements of a wider diversity of species.

Planning at the strategic level (as is the purpose of this plan) aims to protect human life and property values whilst minimising detrimental impacts on the environment of intense broad area wildfires and too frequent or infrequent prescribed fire. Where prescribed fire is used as one of the tools to achieve this, the aim is to burn sufficiently frequently to prevent general fuel accumulations which would present major hazards in potentially high intensity wildfires, whilst burning at long enough intervals to ensure the continued survival of plant species and habitat for wildlife.

This can best be achieved through a broad cyclical mosaic of hazard reduced areas across those parts of the district where fuel reduction is to be practised, (predominantly dry eucalypt forest types) with the added knowledge that most broad area fuel reduction in fact leaves a patchwork of burnt and unburnt sections.

The extent of area identified for more frequent treatment (areas in Bush Fire Management Zones, namely, Asset Protection and Strategic Fire Advantage Zones) is commensurate with the level of bushfire risk in the area (i.e. bushfire risk to specific community and environmental asset areas). These zones are strategically located to achieve the appropriate level of asset protection whilst minimising the area to be treated, thus assisting to minimise environmental impact (EBFMC 2000).

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Eurobodalla Shire Council

The Shire Council uses the environmental constraints mapping available with its 'strategic environmental assessment' tool to indicate the suitability and risks of development in urban expansion and rural residential areas. The constraints or risks identified in that mapping include bushfire, vegetation and habitat. That mapping helps inform the design of subdivisions to accommodate those constraints.

The Shire Council applies the Planning for Bushfire Protection guidelines in assessment of relevant subdivisions with appropriate regard to bushfire and flora and fauna reports that accompany development applications. Together with applying the environmental constraints mapping those assessments may cause some redesign of the development proposals or accommodate through use of asset protection zones and use of building design and materials to mitigate fire risk. Often through subdivision design, appropriate vegetation buffers and drainage gullies are retained, and clusters of tree canopy in asset protection zones retained, to afford habitat protection and corridors.

The Shire Council undertakes its own fire risk management on its natural reserves within or at the perimeter of urban centres. This may involve slashing, lopping, trittering or burning.

Other agencies

The South Coast Rural Lands Protection Board, whose administrative area covers Eurobodalla Shire, has a management plan for travelling stock routes. Actions within the South Coast Travelling Stock Reserve Management Plan relating to fire include (Lennon 2003):

  • undertake control burns to manage and protect native pastures
  • monitor seasonal fuel loadings
  • routine grazing to minimise bushfire hazard
  • ensure management burns are approved
  • notify neighbouring properties of controlled burning activities
  • ensure compliance with local Bush Fire Management Plan
  • ensure campfire and barbeque sites on reserves are maintained clear of combustible material and are signposted with requirements of fire lighting and management.

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Eurobodalla Bush Fire Management Committee (2000) Bush Fire Risk Management Plan, Eurobodalla Shire Council, Batemans Bay.

DECC - see Department of Environment and Climate Change

Department of Environment and Climate Change (2008a) list of Endangered Populations, Endangered Ecological Communities, Critical Habitat and Key Threatening Processes that may potentially occur within the BOOROWA Lga.shp, provided by ACT Commissioner for the Sustainability and the Environment from Threatened Species Data Officer Spatial Data Programs Department of Environment and Climate Change

Department of Environment and Climate Change (2008b), Threatened Species – species, populations and ecological communities in NSW , search on endangered ecological community, viewed 14 June 2008,

Department of Environment and Climate Change (2008c), Threatened Species – species, populations and ecological communities in NSW , Recovery and threat abatement, Eurobodalla Shire Council, viewed 13 October 2008,

Department of Environment , Water, Heritage and the Arts (Commonwealth) (2008a) Environmental Reporting Tool, Database Report, viewed October 2008,

Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (Commonwealth) (2008b), Biodiversity, search on endangered ecological community viewed October 2008,

Lennon, R (2003) South Coast Rural Lands Protection Board TSR/SWP Management Plan Document—Five Year Management Plan for 2002 to 2007, South Coast Rural Lands Protection Board.

Miles, J and Roche, G (2004) Guide to the management of roadside sites with significant native vegetation, Bega Valley Shire Council, Bega

NSW Rural Fire Service (2003) Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code for Asset Protection and Strategic Fire Advantage Zones, NSW Rural Fire Service

NSW Scientific Committee (2008) Ecological consequences of high frequency fires - key threatening process declaration, final determination, accessed 13 October 2008, consequences+of+high+frequency+fires+key+threatening+process+declaration.


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