

Atmosphere & Weather | Biodiversity | Catchments | Resources Use

Summary of updates to Cootamundra indicators for 2008/09.

Cootamundra Snapshots

These "snapshot" profiles celebrate recent environmental initiatives within this LGA.

Archive of 2008 snapshots for Cootamundra.

2009 Snapshot

Effluent re-use scheme delivers big benefits

Facing severe drought and water shortages, Cootamundra Shire Council applied for, and was granted, an Environmental Protection Agency licence to re-use effluent for local irrigation.

Recycling the effluent waterRecycling the effluent waterRecycling the effluent water

Recycling the effluent water

The success of the scheme was highlighted during the dry periods in late 2008 and early 2009. During this time Cootamundra was able to maintain their sporting fields to an excellent standard while many other Councils in the Region were forced to close fields due to water shortages. As a result Cootamundra was able to host a number of Regional sporting carnivals in addition to the many local events which were able to go ahead. The result was a great outcome for the area and had a very positive impact on the local economy.

The benefits of recycling the effluent water to maintain Council’s parks and gardens also meant that reliance on the allocated potable water supplies from Golden Fields County Council was reduced. This resulted in less severe water restrictions being imposed on residents and businesses in the town.


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