
Indicator: Solid Waste

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What the results tell us for Young

The generation of waste in Young Shire increased by 15% in the reporting period (2004-08). The percentages of the waste stream recycled and sent to landfill remained relatively constant at around 40% recycled and 60% sent to landfill. Volumes of all waste generated increased over the four years, and the Shire Council’s investment in waste management also increased.

The Shire Council described the Young community as having moved towards, and embraced, recycling in the last 12 to 18 months. There was more recycling of aluminium, glass, plastic and paper in the Young Shire, with an overall increase (13%) in total tonnes of resources recovered.

The waste stream

The volumes of both items recycled and waste to landfill increased during the reporting period (Table 1). The gradual rise in both categories resulted in an overall waste generation rate of about 628kg per resident in 2008, up from about 554kg in 2004. This remains far less than the waste generation rate reported in the previous State of Environment report, which was 863kg per person in 2004.

While there was an increase in the volume of materials recycled over the four years, as a percentage of the total waste generated by Young Shire residents there was a slight decrease (–2%) in resource recovery.

Overall, there was an increase of 15% in the amount of waste that Young Shire Council needed to address.

Table 1. Resource recovery in relation to total waste generation in Young Shire, July 2004 to June 2008
Volumes of waste 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 % Change 04-05 to 07-08
Recycled (tonnes) 2,732 2,928 2,886 3,077 13%
Recycled (% of total) 40% 40% 39% 39% –2%
To landfill (tonnes) 4,094 4,462 4,472 4,801 17%
To landfill (% of total) 60% 60% 61% 61% 2%
Total 6,826 7,390 7,358 7,878 15%

Note: percentage of total waste stream (landfill plus resource recovery)

Data: Young Shire Council

Waste to landfill

The types of waste going to landfill during the reporting period are shown in Table 2. The overall volume increased by 17% over the four years of the reporting period. Household waste comprised the largest proportion of landfill waste, followed by commercial and industrial waste, and building and demolition.

Table 2. Estimated waste to landfill in Young Shire, July 2004 to June 2008
Type of waste going to landfill 2004-05 (tonnes) 2005-06 (tonnes) 2006-07 (tonnes) 2007-08 (tonnes) % Change 04-05 to 07-08
Total household 2661 2900 2906 3120 17%
Domestic collection 2661 2900 2906 3120 17%
Private delivery 0 0 0 0  
Commercial and industrial 900 981 983 1056 17%
Building and demolition 533 581 583 625 17%
Total 4094 4462 4472 4801 17%

Source: Young Shire Council

As in the previous reporting period, illegally dumped waste has not been a significant problem in Young Shire and no records have been kept.

Waste generated in Young Shire is deposited to landfill in the Jugiong landfill in Harden Shire. It is unknown whether there are additional regional landfills in Young Shire. There are five (5) non licensed landfill sites in the Young Shire they consist of Koorawatha 400m3 per annum, Bendick Murrel 600m3 , Tubbal 200m3, Bribbaree 300m3, Milvale 215m3

Recycling and other actions to reduce waste

The volumes of some types of recycled discarded materials increased during the reported period, while others decreased (see Table 3). Increases were seen for aluminium, glass, plastic and paper, while there was a drop in the recycling rate of batteries, garden waste, metals and steel cans. Metal items may be being recycled privately through scrap metal dealers, as the price of steel has risen there is additional incentive for this. Garden organics have probably reduced due to ongoing drought conditions. Overall, there was a 13% increase in total tonnes of resources recovered in this reporting period.

Table 3. Resource recovery by type (stream) in Young Shire, July 2004 – June 2008
Material recycled 2004-05 (tonnes) 2005-06 (tonnes) 2006-07 (tonnes) 2007-08 (tonnes) % Change 04-05 to 07-08
Acid Lead Batteries 0.4 0.75 0.6 0.05 -88%
Aluminium 29 32 38 42 45%
Garden waste/compost 504 385 520 460 -9%
Glass 350 385 415 499 43%
Metals (ferrous) 650 850 565 600 -8%
Motor oil 3 3 3 3 0
Paper 950 1015 1065 1165 23%
Plastic 161 185 200 228 42%
Steel cans 85 72 79 80 -6%
Total tonnes recovered 2732.4 2927.75 2885.6 3077.05 13%

Source: Young Shire Council

Resource implications of waste

The Shire Council invested close to one million dollars in waste management and resource recovery for the year to 30 June 2008 – see Table 4. This represents a total of approximately $79 per Shire resident spent on waste management in 2008.

Table 4. Investment in waste management and resource recovery in Young Shire, July 2004 – June 2008
Period 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Total $892,213 $943,464 $940,557 $987,885

Source: Young Shire Council

About the data

Data was provided from Young Shire Council records.

An unofficial estimate of 12,550 has been made for the Young area population in 2008, as official figures are not yet available.


NSW Department of Local Government, Comparative Information

Regional State of Environment Report 2004,


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