Table 2. Pest plant control in Young Shire, July 2004 to June 2008
Weed species common name   Serrated Tussock St Johns Wort Scotch Thistle Sweet Briar Blackberry
Weed species botanical name   Nassella trichotoma Hypercum perforatum Ononpordum acantium Rosa rubiginosa Rubus fruticosus
Have you developed a Management plan to control/manage this species? (yes/no) If yes, what is its name, and when was it produced?   Regional Serrated Tussock Plan 2001. Local Serrated tussock Plan 2002 Regional SJW Plan 2001, Local SJW Plan 2002 Local Plan 2002 Local Plan 2002 Regional Blackberry plan 2003 & Local Plan 2003
Is there a control program in place? (yes/no) If yes, when was it introduced?   30 30 30 30 30
Briefly, what are the objectives of management plan & control program?   To reduce heavy & medium infestations & eliminate light & scattered infestations Full control of all roadsides annually & prevent spread to private property prevent spread and enforce boundary control Prevent spread and protect clean properties Prevent light and scattered infestations from becoming medium and heavy
What area (ha) is covered under the control program, as at 30/6/08?   100 100 70 50 70
Annual expenditure on control of pest plants ($) 2004-2005 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 12000 3000 10000
2005-2006 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 10000 3000 10000
2006-2007 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 8000 2000 10000
2007-2008 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 8000 2000 10000
Total change in relative abundance and spread (as a % ) resulting from implementation of controls and management plans for the following categories Area(ha) with high density infestation (75% - 100% cover) - core area 0 10% R 0 0 10% R
Area (ha) with medium density infestation (20% - 74% cover) - marginal area 0 5% R 5% R 5% R 5% R
Area (ha) with low density infestation (1% - 19% cover) - rare and isolated 0 10% R 10% R 5% R 20% R
Total area affected treated   10 2000 2000 500 1500

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