
Indicator: Noise

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What the results tell us for Young

A large number of noise complaints (522 complaints) were received by the Shire Council in relation to barking dogs in this reporting period, whilst another 448 noise complaints were classified as general noise. (See Table 1)

The NSW Police received no complaints during 2004-08

Table 1. Type and number of complaints received by Shire Council
Type of complaint 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Barking dogs 132 120 144 126
General noise 120 127 105 96
Totals 252 247 249 222

Source: Young Shire Council

Council action

In relation to the problem of barking dogs and general noise complaints, Shire Council issued verbal warnings followed, if need be, by written warnings and finally infringement notices as a last resort.

Shire Council did not undertake any ambient noise monitoring during the reporting period therefore it is not possible to report on recent trends. However, there is recognition that neighbourhood noise is generally becoming louder. The local newspaper has run educative pieces around the issue of noise.

About the data

Data supplied by Young Shire Council.


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