
Indicator: Heritage

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What the results tell us for Young Shire

Changes to the listed heritage estate for Young Shire Council area over the past four years show that:

  • There are six places listed on the Commonwealth Heritage List
  • There are two places protected under the New South Wales (NSW) Heritage Act 1977
  • There are three places listed under Section 170 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977
  • There are 17 places are listed on the Young Local Environmental Plan (LEP)
  • There was only one site added to any of the lists during the reporting period. The addition was Young Railway Station in Lovell St being added to the Register of the National Estate
  • As with the 2004 report, little information is known about the current condition of heritage places but some works have been undertaken during the period
  • Shire Council is considering extending the number of items on the LEP from 17 to 142

Details of listed places

There are six places in the Young Shire listed on Commonwealth heritage lists. The six places are entered in the Register of the National Estate are:

Places listed on the Register of the National Estate

Dananbilla Nature Reserve

Monteagle Cemetery Woodland Remnant Monteagle - Young Rd

Young Courthouse (former) Campbell St

Young Gaol (former) Caple St

Young Public School (former) Campbell St

Young Railway Station Lovell St

Places listed on the NSW Heritage Register

Items listed in the State Heritage Inventory come from a number of sources. This means that there may be several entries for the same heritage item in different Heritage lists.

There are two items listed by the Heritage Council under the NSW Heritage Act 1977 . This includes places listed on the State Heritage Register, protected under an Interim Heritage Order or protected under Section 136 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977 :

City Bank (former), Lynch Street, Young

Young Railway Station and yard group, Blayney-Harden railway, Young

Places listed on the NSW Section 170 Heritage Register

There are three places listed under Section 170 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977:

Young Ambulance Station, 36 Cloete Street, Young

Young Fire Station, 34 Lynch Street, Young

Young Station and Yard Group, Young

Heritage places listed on the local environment plan

There are 17 places are listed on the Young LEP:

Assembly Hall, Campbell Street, Young

Catholic Church and Convent, Boreham Street, Murringo

Chapel, Ripon Street, Young

Church of England, Burrowa Street, Murringo

Jim Morris Empire Hotel, Main Street, Young

Newtons Young Hotel, Lynch Street, Young

Old Court House, 54 McLerie Street, Young

Public School (former), Dundas Street, Young

Public School Building, Burrowa Street, Murringo

St Marys Catholic Church, Ripon Street, Young

St Marys Presentation Convent, Ripon Street, Young

Technical College, Caple Street, Young

The Band Rotunda, Ripon Street, Young

The Millard Centre, 192 Boorowa Street, Young

Tourist Information Centre, Boorowa Street, Young

Young Co-Op Flour Mill, Lovell Street, Young

Young Railway Station, Lovell Street, Young

There was only one site added to any of the lists during the reporting period. The addition was Young Railway Station in Lovell St being added to the Register of the National Estate.

Indigenous heritage

There are no listed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage sites in the Young Shire Council area.

Current condition of known heritage places

No information is available on the condition of heritage sites during the reporting period and little information on condition prior to the reporting period either. The condition of many sites has not been updated since they were listed on the Register of the National Estate.

Over the period 2004-08, the following work was carried out on Heritage listed items:

Jim Morris’ Empire Hotel, Main Street - Contemporary addition to the eastern side of the hotel outside of bounds of former hotel and adjacent to more recent kitchen alterations. The additions form a conference centre and covered beer garden area.

St. Mary’s Catholic Church, corner Ripon and Campbell Streets - New classrooms in precinct, demolition of Presbytery

Newton’s Young Hotel, Lynch Street - Minor shade structure in beer garden

Railway Station - Undergoing full renovation to former Railway Station glory – to be leased to Council as Tourist Information Centre.

Lynch St, present Court House (not listed but significant item) - Upgraded to Heritage colour scheme externally by Department of Commerce and disabled ramp installed.

Resources for heritage identification and management

  • Young is promoted on three fronts, Cherries and Stonefruit, History and Heritage. There has also been co-operative cost sharing promotional activity with neighbouring councils.
  • In 2006, Young Shire commissioned a Community Based Heritage Study with assistance funding provided by the Heritage Branch of the NSW Department of Planning. This study empowered a committee of local heritage-minded individuals to assist the appointed Heritage Adviser research the thematic history of Young and establish a proactive list of heritage conservation items for the community to be aware of and recognize as important in the development of the life and people of Young. The Thematic History and Report on the Heritage of Young is being handed up to Shire Council for release as a public document as this report is being written (November 2008)
  • Shire Council is looking to build on this valuable work in the upcoming years by acquiring funding and services to achieve a Heritage Local Fund to continue to promote the importance of heritage, as well as a Local heritage Advisory Service where the residents of the Town get first hand heritage advice on proposed restoration, additions and/or alterations to heritage places.
  • The Lambing Flat Festival was held in April 2005 and 2006 and was well received by both locals and visitors. The event had a heritage theme and included a re-enactment of the Reading of the Riot Act that was read to miners at Lambing Flat (Young) in 1861. The event now brings in over 2000 visitors and has become part of the annual events calendar for Young.
  • Young Shire Council has also continued with the Heritage Signage project in the Central Business District of Young. Interpretive Heritage Signs have been placed at strategic locations and help to bring to life the rich history of the town. Thirty signs are now in place with the project due for completion by the 2006/07 financial year. This is proposed to include the production of a Heritage Trail brochure that will act as a historical guide to the town highlighting Young’s turn of the century architecture.
  • Where originally there were 17 items identified in the LEP, Shire Council is presently proposing some 142 items at its 2009 Comprehensive Review of the LEP.

About the data

Heritage overview


Data provided by

Australian Heritage Database

NSW Heritage Office

Young Shire Council.


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