
Indicator: Discharge to Waters

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What the results tell us for Young

Effluent from Young is treated at the Young Sewage Treatment Works. Effluent generated in rural areas of Young is treated by septic tanks, composting toilets and aerobic septic systems.

The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) licences the Young plant to discharge from the concrete weir of the maturation pond into Burrangong Creek, and to the Young Golf Course. The plant has a volume limit of 2,020 KL/day.

The Burrangong Meat Processors Plant is licensed by the DECC to discharge to an utilisation area.

The total mass load of nitrogen fluctuated significantly during the reporting period, whilst the mass load of phosphorus remained relatively constant (Table 1).

Table 1. Discharges to waters, Young Shire, 2004–05 to 2007–08
Volume (ML/year) Type Estimated volume discharged illegally (L/year) Estimated volume discharged accidentally (L/year) Receiving waters Mass load of nitrogen (kg) Mass load of phosphorus (kg)
Licensed 436.8 Sewage Nil Nil Burrangong Creek 8101 3410
Licensed 404.6 Sewage Nil Nil Burrangong Creek 6799 3134
Licensed 467 Sewage Nil Nil Burrangong Creek 9229 3711
Licensed 356.6 Sewage Nil Nil Burrangong Creek 6322 3154

Source: Young Shire Council

In 2005-06, the Young Sewerage Treatment Plant exceeded the daily volume limit of 2,020 KL/day on eight occasions, due to wet weather. The daily volume limit was exceeded in 2006-07 and 2007-08, each on one occasion, again due to wet weather. The concentration limits for total suspended solids were exceeded on three occasions during 2007-08.

The non-compliance report also notes that the Young Sewage Treatment Plant does not comply with the specified timeframes for upgrade.

Trade waste agreements

Young Shire Council has Standard Trade Waste Agreements with food retailers in the council area.

About the data

Information was supplied by Young Shire Council. Additional information was obtained from the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change’s public register of protection licences.


Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW (2008), Public Register for Licences, Applications or Notices, Environment Protect Licence, Section 55 Protection of the Environment Operations Act, viewed at on 30 September 2008.


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