
Issue: Biodiversity

This issue is discussed for these areas:  [an error occurred while processing this directive]

See these indicator results for more detail:
Ecological Communities | Fire | Native Species | Pest Animals | Pest Plants | Riparian Conditions

What does the City Council area have?

Queanbeyan City Council area has a relatively small area in comparison to other Local Government areas in the Capital Region. However, bushland comprises some 17% of the Council area, while land under some form of conservation reserve comprises approximately 12% of the area. The City Council area supports six different vegetation types, approximately 511 plant species (native and introduced), and fauna species recorded include 74 bird species, four fish species, 30 mammal species, 19 reptile species and 19 amphibian species.

The City Council area contains occurrences of two endangered ecological communities, and populations of four plant and 20 animal species that are threatened at the state or national level. An additional 11 plant species and 15 animal species listed as vulnerable or endangered are also predicted to occur in the Council area.

What has changed?

Insufficient data were available to assess many aspects of the City Council area's biodiversity during the reporting period. The major data gaps relate to changes in the extent and condition of terrestrial and riparian ecosystems, (including change in vegetation extent and condition), changes in native species populations and abundance, changes in threatening processes, information on in aquatic macroinvertebrates, the extent to which recovery plan actions have been carried out and their effectiveness and changes in the distribution and population densities of pest animal species (including the effectiveness of control measures). There is little monitoring or systematic collection of data on species, populations or communities, so data quality is generally poor.

The number of ecological communities present in the City Council area that are listed as vulnerable or endangered increased during the current reporting period (Note: threatened ecological community lists are generated based on Bioregions). One ecological community was upgraded from endangered to critically endangered, while another community became nationally listed as endangered. The number of threatened plants with occurrences in the City Council area decreased by two, due to further refinement of existing flora data sets. The number of flora species (excluding non-natives) recorded in the City Council area decreased by 31 due to further refinement of existing flora data sets.

Fauna species recorded in the City Council area decreased by 25 during the current reporting period, primarily the result of different data sets, recent survey efforts and the inclusion of non native species for this reporting period. No analysis of change in status of fauna species status took place during the current reporting period, however most pressures on these species are unlikely to have been reduced during the reporting period.

Although no quantitative data is available to indicate if the condition of biodiversity is deteriorating within the City Council area, general trends in New South Wales (NSW) indicate the diversity of terrestrial species remains under threat and response mechanisms to protect them have not yet reversed this trend. Even where pressures on species are reduced, due to lag effects, it may take many years for the full effects to become evident. The number of species, populations and communities listed as threatened has generally increased over time. The distribution and abundance of many species not listed as threatened continues to decline due to habitat destruction and other pressures.

For this reason, NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC) listings do not give a complete picture of the broader decline occurring across the region as habitats shrink and become fragmented, reducing ecological ranges and genetic diversity. Another problem may be the considerable time lag involved in the process of identifying a species of concern, nominating it for listing and obtaining the data to finally determine its status. The true level of decline is unknown as the number of species is much greater than the state of knowledge about them. The vast majority of species that make up our biodiversity, such as invertebrates, have not been described, with their ecological functions known only in general terms and their conservation status not known at all in most cases. This lack of knowledge of the full potential of impacts may itself contribute to biodiversity loss.

Habitat removal, disturbance and fragmentation, through vegetation clearing and /or modification, are thought to have continued as major threats to native species and ecosystems in the Council area. Queanbeyan City Council area has been one of the fastest growing local government areas in NSW for some time. Population increases and the resulting demand for urban development within the City Council area during the reporting period placed pressure on native species and communities, particularly in lowland areas. Disturbances such as development, fires and drought led to further degradation or loss of ecological communities. Invasive plants and animals continued to exert further pressure on ecological communities and species.

Insufficient information was available during the current reporting period to accurately assess on the variety of programs and projects to enhance and protect biodiversity by Council, individuals and community groups.

The 'pressure points'

The 'pressure points' are specific processes that continue to exert detrimental effects upon species and ecological communities. If these continue unabated, they will cause these species and ecological communities to slide further towards extinction. These are the main pressures that need to be relieved in order to preserve and recover species and ecological communities through effective management strategies and actions:

  • habitat removal, disturbance and fragmentation, through vegetation clearing and/or modification, were considered major threats to native species and ecosystems in the Council area.
  • land development continued to pose the major threat to native species and ecosystems, through clearing or degradation of habitat resulting from impacts like increased runoff, sedimentation and erosion.
  • drought conditions that were prevalent during much of the reporting period would have affected many native species and ecosystems in the City Council area.
  • six pest animal species and six pest plant (weed) species were of high concern during the reporting period. These invasive species represent one of the most serious threats to biodiversity in the City Council area.
  • there is already evidence of climate change impacts on biodiversity, including effects on species physiology, distribution and the timing of life-cycle events. Climate change is also expected to exacerbate other threatening processes. It may enable invasive species to expand into new areas, create more frequent forest fires and cause declining water quality. The combined effects of other pressures reduce the options for native species to adapt to climate change.

Protecting and enhancing biodiversity

Biodiversity is the variety of life: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Biodiversity is vital in supporting human life on Earth. The natural environment maintains many essential functions that form the foundation of a healthy and sustainable environment. These are often called 'ecosystem services' and include air and water purification, waste detoxification and decomposition, crop and natural vegetation pollination, dispersal of seeds and nutrients and regulation of climate.

Local councils are in a prime position to take a lead role in maintaining these vital ecosystem services. A range of activities in the City Council area during the reporting period were aimed at improving the condition of native ecosystems and the habitat of native species and reducing the pressures on them. The main responses to biodiversity loss on a state level are amendments to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, introduction of the Priorities Action Statement, increasing reservation in the protected area system, and the natural resource management reforms.

No new conservation reserves or additions to existing conservation reserves were gazetted during the current reporting period.

Of the 24 threatened species known to occur in Queanbeyan City Council area, two species had a formal recovery plan in place, both of which were completed prior to 2001. Nine animal species were covered by two national action plans, at least one of which was completed prior to 2001.

Council carried out weed control activities for the six high priority weeds during the reporting period, and achieved reductions in overall densities of four species.

Council prepared plans and strategies to help enhance biodiversity within the City Council area and continued its involvement in on-ground projects. Council and community groups also undertook a number of ecological restoration projects.

What does this mean for City Council?

Ongoing population growth in Queanbeyan City Council area is likely to see continued expansion of urban and rural residential development. This will place further pressure on terrestrial and aquatic native species and ecosystems, including endangered ecological communities and some threatened species. Urban expansion may also result in weed invasion into areas currently relatively weed free, and cause other impacts such as increased runoff, erosion, sedimentation, and excess nutrients entering waterways. Continuing impacts from industry sectors such as agriculture and forestry are likely to exert ongoing pressures upon biodiversity in the City Council area.

The continued lack of data to allow a full assessment of the City Council area's biodiversity status carries with it the risk that approved development proposals will have unanticipated adverse impacts. Lack of monitoring of native species, populations and communities within the City Council area may also hamper conservation efforts, as impacts from urban and rural development, industry, forestry practices and other pressures (e.g. fire, drought) cannot be determined and remediation measures cannot be planned to appropriate levels. Monitoring is also essential to determine whether environmental plans and strategies and on-ground management projects are achieving the desired biodiversity outcomes.

The City Council needs to maintain appropriate effort and resources in the following areas of its environmental management.

  • improve our knowledge of the regions biodiversity through linking databases and information relating to biodiversity to other government agencies. This, and close liaison with these agencies to encourage programs of data collection will aid conservation planners, land managers and members of the public to gain a clearer and more up-to-date picture of biodiversity within the region and associated management issues relevant to it. The greatest information need (and the one that will be most important in the longer term) is standard methodologies for assessing vegetation condition that will facilitate its monitoring and reporting.
  • utilise a range of existing government agency programs (as outlined in the NSW Biodiversity Strategy) which protect native species and ecosystems across NSW. This includes initiatives such as adopting regional strategies (eg. pest management strategies) and management plans conducted with other agencies, local government, landowners and the community.
  • implement the 'Threatened Species Assessment Guideline' to assist the community, developers and council assessment staff with ensuring the legislative requirements are readily understood. Utilise Regional-scale Biodiversity Survey and Assessment Guidelines that provide information about how to approach survey and assessment of biodiversity to inform regional planning.
  • continue to ensure biodiversity impacts are adequately taken into account in planning for and implementing landuse zoning, assessment of development applications, road management and construction activities, stormwater management, hazard control burning and weed control activities. The regulation of these activities needs to be in accordance with legislative requirements and also include, as a minimum, consideration of terrestrial and aquatic native species and ecosystems generally, in addition to specific consideration of endangered ecological communities and vulnerable or endangered plant and animal species known or predicted to occur in the City Council area.
  • incorporate best practice’ for biodiversity planning as outlined in the Biodiversity Planning Guidelines for Local Government document. This Guide aims to assist councils to carry out biodiversity conservation as part of their day-to-day functions, especially those relating to planning and development. It provides councils with a 'good practice guide'. The Guide highlights the importance of plan making for biodiversity conservation, as well as the need to integrate both regulatory and positive approaches. It shows how councils can conserve biodiversity through their existing regulatory and operational functions. The Guide does not create new plan making processes, but presents a package of strategies and tools that can be applied within existing frameworks.
  • education of staff and the wider community on biodiversity is required. There exists a general poor understanding of the importance of biodiversity in maintaining life support systems for human and environmental health. A broader understanding and appreciation of the values of biodiversity and will underpin future success in conserving biodiversity and critical ecological services.
  • help ensure appropriate (relevant and achievable) monitoring programs are in place to measure the effectiveness of council's environmental policies, strategies, management activities and on-ground restoration projects in achieving desired biodiversity outcomes.
  • continue to support and encourage community involvement in biodiversity conservation and monitoring.
  • maintain collaborative arrangements with other land management agencies within the region to ensure ongoing success with pest animal and plant control and fire management, and to develop awareness of new land management principles, innovations or approaches.
  • work closely with the Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority to help ensure consistency in approach to biodiversity conservation and complementary actions to achieve this.


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