
Indicator: Noise

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What the results tell us for Gundagai

A small number of barking dogs were the main source of nosie complaints for the Shire. The Shire Council had the service of a ranger during the reporting period and a percentage of their time was spent on dealing with companion animal management issues. All barking dog complaints received during the period were investigated.

Other noise complaints included traffic noise, lawn mowers, an agricultural scare gun and construction noise. The Shire Council investigated all formal complaints. Given the small size of the community a range of noise issues were resolved between parties and never became an official complaint to the Shire Council.

The Shire Council did not undertake any ambient noise monitoring in the period of this report therefore it is not possible to report on trends. Anecdotally it would appear that there has been an increase in construction noise nearer to the central business district which is linked to increasing growth and development pressures in the Shire and from other composite noise sources associated with an increasing population.

Table 1. Type and number of complaints received by Council
Type of complaint 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Barking dogs 5 7 4 3
Traffic 2 2 1 0
Lawn Mowers 0 1 1 1
Agricultural Scare guns 0 1 0 0
Construction 2 1 0 2
Total 9 12 6 6

Source: Gundagai Shire Council

Council action

The Shire Council uses a Ranger to deal with complaints relating to barking dogs. On other noise issues the Shire Council uses a multi-pronged approach to noise mitigation that, separately or in combination, address noise at its source, along its transmission path and at the receiving end. This approach is consistent with New South Wales Government guidelines (Department of Environment and Conservation 2004).

About the data

Data were supplied by Gundagai Shire Council.


Department of Environment and Conservation (2004) Noise Guide for Local Government, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation 2004/59, June 2004. Updated on Website 2007.

Department of Environment and Conservation (2000) NSW Industrial Noise Policy, NSW EPA 00/1.


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