Table 1. Priority pest plant species in Bega Valley Shire, July 2004 to June 2008
Common name African Lovegrass Bitou bush Blackberry Cape broom Crofton weed Fireweed Paterson's curse St John's wort Serrated tussock
Botanical name Eragrostis curvula Chrysanthemoides monilifera Rubus fruticosus Genista monspessulana Ageratina adenophora Senecio madagascariensis Echium spp. Hypericum perforatum Nassella trichotoma
Control category * (see description below) Class 4 Class 3 Class 4 Class 2 Class 4 Class 4 Class 4 Class 3 Class 4
Describe where the pest plant(s) is located within your Shire. If available please provide the Bounding geographic coordinates (in AMG coordinates, with the relevant zone identified). Core area bounded by Bemboka, Kameruka, Candelo and Wolumla; parts Cobargo and Buckajo areas, Tura Beach. Marginal - Tantawangalo, Bemboka, parts Buckajo, Kalaru. Rare and isolated - south of Shire and areas north of Brogo Pass Rare and isolated - Tathra, Cuttagee, Pambula Beach, Aslings Beach, Eden Throughout Shire Rare and isolated occurrences throughout Shire Low density infestations in Eden area, Nullica riparian areas Myrtle Mountain; Brown Mountain west of Bemboka Core infestations throughout Bega River Valley and along central coastal areas. Marginal density surrounding this core area and in Eden, parts Cobargo and Wyndham areas. Rare and isolated infestations in the north and south of the Shire. Scattered marginal infestations on a number of properties with scattered rare and isolated roadside and other private land infestations Marginal and rare and isolated infestations in scattered small areas of the Shire Small core area in the south of the Shire, Marginal area surrounding this and rare and isolated infestations Bemboka area and corridor north of Brogo Pass
Area(ha) with high density infestation (75% - 100% cover) - core area 1,700 Nil 1,100 Nil Nil 8,000 25 Nil 180
Area (ha) with medium density infestation (20% - 74% cover) - marginal area 7,000 3 2,400 2 5 10,000 150 10 1,600
Area (ha) with low density infestation (1% - 19% cover) - rare and isolated 21,500 17 26,500 13 15 80,000 1,500 200 4,000
Total area (ha) affected 30,200 20 30,000 17 20 98,000 1,625 210 5,780

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