Describe where the pest plant(s) is
located within your Shire. If available please provide the Bounding
geographic coordinates (in AMG coordinates, with the relevant zone
identified). |
Core area bounded by Bemboka, Kameruka, Candelo
and Wolumla; parts Cobargo and Buckajo areas, Tura Beach. Marginal -
Tantawangalo, Bemboka, parts Buckajo, Kalaru. Rare and isolated - south of
Shire and areas north of Brogo Pass |
Rare and isolated - Tathra, Cuttagee, Pambula Beach,
Aslings Beach, Eden |
Throughout Shire |
Rare and isolated occurrences throughout Shire |
Low density infestations in Eden area, Nullica
riparian areas Myrtle Mountain; Brown Mountain west of Bemboka |
Core infestations throughout Bega River Valley and
along central coastal areas. Marginal density surrounding this core area and
in Eden, parts Cobargo and Wyndham areas. Rare and isolated infestations in
the north and south of the Shire. |
Scattered marginal infestations on a number of
properties with scattered rare and isolated roadside and other private land
infestations |
Marginal and rare and isolated infestations in
scattered small areas of the Shire |
Small core area in the south of the Shire, Marginal
area surrounding this and rare and isolated infestations Bemboka area and
corridor north of Brogo Pass |